Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm living large in my 6 month clothes

Even though I'm only six weeks...

A serious thank you to everyone who gave us newborn outfits. We really enjoyed and appreciated the array of cute clothes. I'm sorry to have to report that we have officially buried that stage of Taiyo's life as a relic in our rear view mirror.

We have now entered the nebulous and confusing world of "3-6" months, which seems to cover whole lot of range depending what particular article of clothing you happen be staring at. As you can see from the picture above, Taiyo is having no problem fitting into some 6 month year old clothing, but we find some 3 month marked outfits to be far too large.

Its a brave new world, but Taiyo is too busy looking good to sweat the fever.






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