Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Done with picture books

Taiyo will be seven weeks old tomorrow. The seven week year old is fully engaged and very interested in his environment. Where as in the past he might once in a while notice that there is a massive world revolving around him, the seven week year old constantly gazes at his surroundings.

A good friend was kind enough to give Taiyo a very deep and esoteric translation of the "Art of Peace" by a Japanese Aikido master. While Taiyo enjoyed his picture books, he's now riveted by the essays on how the warrior is actually a reflection of a peaceful existence.



親切な友人が、日本の合気道家であった植芝盛平著の「Art Of Peace」(日本語題名は不明)というとても深く難解な本を太陽にプレゼントしました。しばらくの間、太陽は絵本を楽しんでいましたが、今は“どうして、武人の存在は、平和の存在の反映であるか”ということについての論文にくぎづけになっています。

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