Wednesday, December 13, 2006

4 amazing weeks

And like that he was 4 weeks old and days away from his first month.

I can't exactly say we're feeling like pros at this point but we're getting better and Taiyo is learning more about us. He knows that Mom likes to relax with him while Dad enjoys bouncing him around. He knows when bath time rolls around and anticipates the routines.

At 4 weeks I really feel like a rhythm is setting in for us and we are running with our new roles together. It is amazing how much has happened in so short a period of time.

I get to feel time pass through him in a way I've long forgotten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know that things are back to "normal". 4 weeks!!! Wow, it's unbelievable. I'm really enjoying the progress reports - on all three of you.