Sunday, November 26, 2006

In the sling of things

We've slowly been making our way out into the real world day by day. First we went around the block but yesterday we tackled a bigger task - the cliff walk.

For those of you in the San Francisco area that don't know about it, this is a fabulous walk and highly recommended. They've just re-worked the first half mile and opened up the views a bit more. Taiyo slept most of the way but did peek out now and again from his sling at the big world.

Here is some info about the hike.

Today is his eleventh day. Things I notice that are different include his ability to now grab at what he's interested in and take firm hold. He got a fist full of Yoshiko's hair and her shirt on a second occasion. He is mostly interested in grabbing a very specific thing that he reveres - I bet you can guess what that is.

His vision is definitely improving and he's watching things at greater distances with a keen interest. I'm not sure how far 11 day olds are supposed to see but I'd wager he's bringing up the average.


Anonymous said...

Wow his hand soooooo tiny! So cute it melts your hearts!
I know how you feel,Yoshiko!
My son William was also cute when he was a baby, but now he like a monster!LOL

Anonymous said...

Your observations of Taiyo's daily changes are still magnificent. What's life like for Logan and Yoshiko after Taiyo's arrival? How long is your leave from work or school? I really appreciate this blog.

Logan said...

Luckily I have been able to take a total of three weeks off from work. Yoshiko has talked about how happy she feels to spend each day with the both of us. My company really has my gratitude for supporting me in taking this time.

Sterling said...

I know absolutely nothing about being a parent, but without a doubt, you're bring that kid up right with such a great walk.