Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Big Day Out

We're exhausted.

Today Taiyo had his big day out, as we traveled back into the wide world for his first Pediatrician checkup. He got high marks all around for every possible aspect of health and well-being (thus furthering his legend amongst his adoring parents).

This was all on the heels of a blood test, where he charmed the socks off the nurse who has the sorry job of stabbing baby after baby in the foot and squeezing. Imagine how fun it must be to be the harbinger of suffering for the infantile masses. By the end of watching him stare at her with his boundless gaze (as she squeezed blood from his foot no less!), she had melted and was vowing to name her first born after him, hoping for our permission to do so even if it was girl... Next was a trip to the store for a few goods and then finally back home again.

For day 6, the big change I notice is he is now gaining command and control of his own arms and hands. With regularity now, he rubs his face and sucks at his fingers where just yesterday he was flailing them about with far less dexterity. This also leads him to all sorts of various poses where he drapes the back of his hand across his eyes with a flash of drama.

We fall over ourselves with praise and adoration with each innocent flex and bend. But damn is it cute!

The second big aspect of his daily evolution is the increase of his trust. He is now beginning to understand and trust us much more. He has grown in his awareness of our touch, our sound, and he no longer is as anxious about letting us in close. Case in point...

The final thing to say today is that it is clear that just as he was born on November the 15th, so too was I as the father really born that day. He is changing so fast every day...but so are we! Taiyo and I have spent the last 45 minutes lying here listening to music with our eyes half shut, drowsily idling away the last of evening while Yoshiko takes a little time for herself.

As I lay here, I realize I can't remember the last time I sat down and listened quietly to music in my house without doing anything else - no computer, no studying, no anything but just music and peace. This is the new me that he has revealed. I like it.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic entries, Logan and Yoshiko. Brooks

Anonymous said...

Last message was more of a test.
Very touching observations, and well written. There is something about a new born baby (esp. your own) that is ultimately innocent and pure. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences with us. Brooks

Logan said...

Thanks. Not only is it an outlet but a historical record for embarrassing him in front of future girlfriends.