Tuesday, July 24, 2007


We are all going to be away for a few weeks. Updates will resume after returning.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

First Cabin Trip

Taiyo has made his first trip to our cabin. I looked forward to this day for a long time and was happy that it happened about the first time I experienced the cabin as a child. We got into so many important elements of what makes the cabin special.

It is important to me that Taiyo get a lot of exposure to the outdoors. It seems like there are many traps to fall into that would deprive him of a connection and relationship to nature. I don't want to let that happen. I want Taiyo to understand what it means to be part of the system of life around him and I want him to grow feel at ease and hopefully love the beauty and excitement of the natural world. Our cabin is a fantastic outlet for that - one I cherish and look forward to sharing with him during our entire life together.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer in the Pool

I will say this for San Mateo - having it be warm enough in the summer to go swimming outdoors is pretty nice.

We started Taiyo in a swim class recently. The first couple of days, he was not very happy. Whenever he got splashed or when we dunked him under the water, he gasped and sputtered and cried. But give a baby a couple days of something new and they adjust.

Since the first few trials, it has been smooth sailing and now he kicks and splashes and laughs and has a great time.

Someone told me that you better get your kid in the water and learning to swim sooner rather than later because if you don't, they won't know what to do when the required "falling into the water" goes down.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Life Continues

As we mourn a passing of a life, we can't help but feel joy at the bright new one right in front of us.

Taiyo has been a great light, banishing away all shadows that might keep me down. This isn't to say he's stopped me from feeling the loss of my Grandfather - not at all. Instead, he's simply helped me see things through a more positive prism.

I'm ready to continue here now.

I've been meaning to point out just how amazing baby clothes are in Japan. We have routinely found things we love for less than 5 dollars. The best part has been how easy it is to find good quality creative clothes. This has really contrasted with the the frustrating experience of having to really dig for creative and interesting clothes here in the states.

Here he is wearing one of my current favorites.