Sunday, March 04, 2007

Time flies

We've been away a while. I'm very sorry about that. A few things have been happening that has kept me away from posting updates. One is that we are preparing to move. That is consuming a big chunk of our free time and I'm wiped out when the next piece is complete each evening. Second is that I've taken a few business trips (and another this coming week) so I've been away from Taiyo.

Two main points to drive home here as Taiyo hits 3 1/2 months and keeps on trucking. The first is that he's finally and fully discovered his thumb for sucking. We've held back on a pacifier for a number of reasons, but we always knew that it would mean less satisfaction. Luckily he's completely got the concept down on how he can deliver on that need without anyone else and we're very happy to see the idea taking root in his mind.

The second is that he's really enjoying trying to stand up. We often pull him up by his hands and his legs kick into a new gear. He takes little baby steps and pounds the floor with his feet. His expression is one of determination and cueriosity and he tries very hard to do....whatever this new thing is.

He's now tipping the scales at 16 1/2 pounds, which means he is not long for his current car seat or sets of clothes. We know he'll slide back into the average weight class at some point but for the moment he continues to grow.

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