Sunday, March 25, 2007

New Friends, Peninsula Life

Taiyo is not yet to the point where he actively plays by himself or really imagines characters. He's still dealing with getting to understand the concept of the self and the external. This takes the form of him gazing as his own hand, gently rubbing my arm to explore texture, looking away with a shy expression when someone smiles at him.

But we are encouraging him to conceptualize other things, and he's started to take an interest in both his bear, and his blanket. This is surely just the start of a long relationship with inanimate objects, which he will breathe life into.

We finally didn't spend the whole weekend packing or unpacking. Instead we spent it outside in the sunshine of the Peninsula.

First was a great hike up around the Stanford Dish on Saturday morning.I've been doing this walk for a few years now but had never taken Yoshiko (or Taiyo) before. We had a great time on the 5 mile loop, catching up with a friend. Taiyo strapped into the backpack and off we went.

Sunday we got together with some fellow parents in San Mateo's Central Park. It is too bad that the Japanese Gardens are closed during Cherry Blossom season but we look forward to their re-opening later in the year. Although Taiyo is still a little young for swings and slides, I like getting out there and anticipating the adventures to come.

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