Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy 3 months!!!

The 4th trimester is complete for Taiyo and he's officially a social creature. We've celebrated his 3rd month with several get togethers with friends, both here at the house and out on the town. He is LOVING the human to human interaction and starting to really interact with everyone and anyone.

This marks the beginning of an exciting time because I anticipate a continued increase in outdoor activities and social interaction. Taiyo is really establishing his presence in our family and connecting with all of you! We would love to see everyone who we haven't yet caught up with so drop us a line when you can.

Happy three months to my beautiful son.


Anonymous said...


Sterling said...

It was great to have finally met you Taiyo! Sorry I had to borrow your dad for a few days, but we had a great time seeing uncle Matt and Aunt Kristy. Happy 1/4 Year year old birthday and I hope to see you for the big one. Yup that's right! Your 1/2 year old birthday party is bound to be a wild one.