Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Facing Forward

When you first go into the car seat as a newborn, it doesn't mean very much to you. Things are still way too bright and nothing feels normal and you still don't have any idea what is going on.

But over the next few months, you start to gain awareness. At some point, you realize that you keep getting stuffed into the same seat in the same surroundings and then one day, POOF, awareness dawns and you get that you are in a car...facing backwards.

From watching Taiyo go through this, I get the feeling that this starts to suck. You can't see much although you know there is a lot of action out the window. You crane your next to try to see but it just doesn't work out.

And then one day, as if answering your prayers, those wacky parents decide to start putting you face first in the car, and an entire world unfolds before your eyes.

Enjoy the view, Taiyo.

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