Monday, January 22, 2007

The games get more complex

Taiyo is starting to react to cause and effect games like "peekaboo". He likes to watch environments change, be it from a changing vantage point as he rocks in the swing to enjoying dad's face vanish, only to re-appear to the accompaniment of vocal fanfare.

It seems clear to me that just in the past few days this breakthrough has taken hold as he has really gotten the idea about how things are not always the same.

Tonight I returned home from work and I could hear him crying a bit as I came up the steps from the garage. I was hit like a ton of bricks with unbelievable joy at the anticipation of knowing in a few more moments I'd be with him, holding him, and replacing his crying with laughter (or at least contented gazing around the kitchen).

The feeling of coming back to family each night pulls at me with a great intensity. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be half a world away and not able to come home.

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