Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm Back and I'm Big

Taiyo got an infection and had to go into the hospital last week. Luckily we all got to be together and spent each day hanging out.

All of the drama was complete by 4:00 a.m. the first night and the entire week simply consisted of him getting regular doses of antibiotics and eating. He certainly did not have any appetite problems and has gained great weight over the week.

In some ways, the whole experience was positive because we learned a lot from the nice nurses who all fell in love with him and were falling over each other to offer their advice and assistance. We also learned some good lessons about the health care system and when and how we have to manage them.

All this is behind us now and we are back home and happy. Taiyo is regularly smiling to stimulus and interacting more each day. Although we will probaby be gun-shy for a few weeks, he is the model of health and a very happy baby.

Regular updates should resume here in the days to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is okay. I was a bit worried. Hope to see you all after the Christmas rush has calmed down.