Friday, May 11, 2007

Boy Returns


He now understands that there is a world beyond what he can see. He is reaching and grabbing for things that move behind him. Before it was out of sight, out of mind.

His legs have gotten much longer.

Mobility is dawning - when displeased, he will now thrash his arms and body back and forth as if about to roll over, trying to move to a different space.

After failing to be impressed by my Peak-a-boo for months, he now holds a blanket over his own eyes while you say "Where's Taiyo!? " He then drops the blanket and laughs and laughs.

He is actively grabbing for everything and anything he can get his hands on.

He has new laughs and new ways to smile.

His hair is much longer.

He holds your shoulders when you carry him.

He can sit up mostly on his own.

He engages you and tries to get you to gaze back at him for long minutes.

He's not sucking his thumb very often anymore.

I love him more than ever.

1 comment:

Sequoia Grove said...

What a cutie-pie! We can't wait to meet Taiyo this summer. We hope he doesn't outgrow the Peak-a-boo game.