Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Joining forces

Yoshiko and I have decided that beginning in 2008, we'll both post from a single source. For a number of reasons, I've lost out and we are going to use her blog.

Please continue down the road with us at http://taiyogaippai.blogspot.com/and we hope you enjoy the joint experience.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Taiyo walks

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Moving Forward

Without realizing it, life moves on.

Things have been busy and active since Taiyo's birthday with many activities and engagements, shopping to do and what not.

And then suddenly I stop and realize how Taiyo is always growing and changing - right before my eyes.

These are some new looks for him in the past few days.

Monday, November 19, 2007

First (first) birthday party

On the 11th, we held Taiyo's fist birthday party in San Francisco. Many dear friends gathered for a brunch hosted by grandma.

Taiyo received some early gifts from Grandpa - toys just like those that had been enjoyed by several previous generations.

Once the party got into full swing, Taiyo was in the thick of things.

Although he did find his opportunities to break away for a little exploration time.

Most amazing was how he went from partying all out to asleep instantly without any transition time required. He literally partied until he dropped.

It was a wonderful day with amazing friends and family. Thank you to everyone to took the time out of their day to share it with us. It really meant a lot.

Second First birthday party

After a smashing success of a birthday party at Grandma's house last weekend, party #2 commenced. The scene was carefully set in the days preceding.

Taiyo took it all in, sometimes getting into the mix and other times watching from a sheltered overlook.

There was some requests for present opening towards the end, which we dutifully complied with. I couldn't help but feel like Taiyo noticed the joys of tearing off wrapping paper just a bit.

Our sincere thanks to everyone who helped make this day happen and to everyone to attended.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Taiyo turns one

Today Taiyo turns one year old!!!

This past year hasn't gone by fast at all. It has gone steady, filled every day with amazing moments together with my son. He's taught me just as much as I've taught him. Together with Yoshiko, we're learning to be a family together and for that I am so thankful.

Taiyo's day started with a celebration.

Soon we were introducing Taiyo to the concept of "presents".

But he had his own ideas about what to do with them.

We gave him a birthday card, which we'll save for years from now when he can read it and understand a little more about how we felt on this day.

Next we were off for a birthday outing.

We saw lots of animals. As we hoped, Taiyo was transfixed and took it all it with amazement.

Afterwards, we returned home for a long nap and a birthday dinner together. It was a wonderful day together and a great way to celebrate Taiyo's first birthday.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I've been sick the past few days and haven't gotten it together to post some updates. The pictures below tell the tale of Halloween.

Taiyo was a very cute puppy for Halloween. We had fun playing in the park before the big Halloween festivities.

I got the sense that for Taiyo, the photo below really encapsulates what he was feeling.

We made sure to scare him properly by threatening to feed him to the Lions.

But mostly, he was happy and enjoyed his first time through the experience.

This one was for us - and it is probably the only one that will be for us. Next year he'll run the show and we'll try to keep up.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Desktop Backgrounds - Ocean Beach and the Golden Gate Bridge

Just a few beautiful pictures of San Francisco's northwest corner in September.

At play

First it was pulling his head up. Next Taiyo smiled as he managed to sit. Soon he was climbing the legs of the furniture and the stairs of the house.

I believe climbing and pulling himself up into interesting spaces is deepening his awareness of the possible.


Taiyo's favorite: Playing with a cell phone

Poppa's favorite: That sleepy smile